Προπτυχιακά: Χρηματοοικονομικά

BSc (Hons) in Finance

DEREE - The American College of Greece
Σεπτέμβριος 2025, Ιανουάριος 2026
4 years
Πλήρους, Μερικής

Προϋποθέσεις Εγγραφής

Greek students
• One letter of recommendation from teacher/professor of last institution attended; letter from private tutor is not accepted.
• Official high school transcript(s) and diploma or official college/university transcript(s) and catalog (if applying for transfer credits).
• Acceptable evidence of proficiency in English: IELTS (score 6.5 or higher), Pearson Test of Academic English: PTE Academic (59 or above), Michigan State University Certificate of English Language Proficiency (MSU – CELP), Michigan Proficiency Certificate, Cambridge Proficiency Certificate, Cambridge Advanced English (CAE) with Grade A only, TOEFL (score 87 or higher on internet based), GCE, International Baccalaureate, Graduates of accredited English language institutions.
If none of the above can be provided, then the candidate will have to take the English Placement Test administered by the College.
• Certified copy of state identification card candidates will attend an interview with a designated College representative after all application materials have been submitted.

American Students
First Year Students
Students who are currently in high school, students who have not attended college after high school graduation, or students with less than 12 college credit hours are considered First Year Students.
The following documents are needed for admissions:
• Completed online application form.
• A 250-300 word personal statement which addresses how studying at ACG will further your life goals. The essay can be completed online along with the application form.
• Official transcripts.
• One academic letter of recommendation.
• Copy of passport.

Transfer Students
Students are considered Transfer Students if they have 12 or more credits from an accredited college.
The following documents are needed for admissions:
• Completed online application form.
• A 250-300 word personal statement which addresses how studying at ACG will further your life goals. The essay can be completed online along with the application form.
• Official College transcripts from all institutions attended.
• One academic letter of recommendation.
• Copy of picture page in passport.


Introduction to the Major in Finance
The BSc in Finance equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to build and grow in their careers. The program provides students with a wide theoretical and technical background, strong interpersonal skills and an ethical perspective for approaching business problems.

The program targets students wishing to pursue professional careers in the three inter-related areas in finance (financial management, investments/risk management and financial markets) while also preparing them for graduate study or professional certifications in the areas of Finance, Banking, Accounting, Economics and Business Strategy & Administration.

The program is also appropriate for graduates and professionals looking to enhance and update their skills in finance and expand their professional horizons either as entrepreneurs, consultants or managers in international or local corporations.

What You Will Study
Deree students can complete a dual degree, that is, a Deree US degree together with an Open University validated award (a UK degree), in just four years. Students begin their studies (first year) by selecting amongst liberal education courses. In subsequent years they attend courses of their major. Finance courses examine the application of financial theory and practice and cover the study of the three areas of finance by developing the quantitative skills necessary to do the following:

Develop and analyze financial reports;
Valuate small, medium and large ventures;
Manage portfolios of stocks, bonds and options;
Manage financial risks that relate to business and investment decisions;
Organize, manipulate and analyze financial data with the aim of making financial projections;
In addition, topics that relate to business organization and planning, professional communication, business law and ethics will be studied. Students will also have the opportunity to apply their knowledge in real business settings.

If you plan to focus on financial management, you are advised to choose from the following elective courses; Corporate Governance and Accountability, Entrepreneurial Finance, Derivative Products, Maritime Financial Management, Financial Reporting, Management Accounting, Strategic Management, Internship.

If you plan to focus on investment/risk management and financial markets, you are advised to choose from the following elective courses; Derivative Products, Quantitative Finance, Tax Structured Finance, Commercial Bank Management, Maritime Financial Management, Internship.


Career/Graduate Study Opportunities
Upon graduation, students will have gained knowledge and understanding of financial theories and the workings of financial markets, institutions and instruments. They will be prepared to advance their academic studies at the graduate level, work within the finance departments of business organizations or become financial analysts, financial planners or portfolio managers at a certified level.

This program has received exemption accreditation from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Deree graduates from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2020, who would like to continue their studies and obtain the ACCA professional qualification are entitled to receive exemptions from the following 4 ACCA papers:
• F1 – Accountant in Business
• F2 – Management Accounting
• F3 – Financial Accounting
• F7 – Financial Reporting (with completion of modules AF3104 and AF4207)

In addition, the program has received exemptions from the following Foundations in Accountancy papers:
• FA1 – Recording Financial Transactions
• MA1 – Management Information
• FA2 – Maintaining Financial Records
• MA2 – Managing Costs and Finance
• FAB – Accountant in Business
• FMA – Management Accounting
• FFA – Financial Accounting
• FFM – Foundations in Financial Management


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